Monday 22 July 2024

MS Teams, Google Space & Telegram Messaging

With the latest update, you can now send automated messages and notifications to MS Teams Channels, Google Spaces and Telegram Channels. These channels can be internal or external. For TrakIT to send messages to these channels, you need to create these channels first and obtain the webhook URLs or Chat IDs as necessary. 

Once the webhook URLs have been obtained, go to Admin > Integrations > Messaging and create a new Message Channel. Once created, these channels will be available as a selection under "Send Message" when creating actions for Events or Data in workflows.

Here are the steps to do so:


1) In the New Teams client, select Teams and navigate to the channel where you want to add an Incoming Webhook.

2) Select More options ••• on the right side of the channel name and select 'Manage Channel'

3) Click 'Edit' under Connectors

4) Search for Incoming Webhook and select Add.

5) Select Add again on the popup.

6) Provide a name for the webhook (Example: TrakIT Notifications) and upload an image if necessary. If you would like to add the TrakIT logo, download it from here:

7) Copy and save the unique webhook URL present in the dialog. The URL maps to the channel and you can use it to send information to Teams.

8) Under Admin > Integrations > Messaging, add a new MS-Teams integration and add the Url here.

For more guidance, take a look here: Create an Incoming Webhook - Teams | Microsoft Learn

Google Spaces

1) In a browser, open Google Chat. 

2) Go to the space where you want to add a webhook.

3) Next to the space title, click the expand more arrow, and then click Apps & integrations.

4) Click Add webhooks.

5) Enter the title of the webhook (Example: TrakIT Notifications)

6) In the Avatar URL field, enter: and save it.

7) To copy the webhook URL, click the three dots on the right, and then click the Copy link.

8) Under Admin > Integrations > Messaging, add a new Google Space integration and add the Url here.


1) Create the channel or group where you want TrakIT to post messages.

2) Search for and add the bot @TrakIT_Telegram_bot to the channel or group

3) Go to the properties of the channel or group and note its ID (example: @trakitmessages)

4) Under Admin > Integrations > Messaging, add a new Telegram integration and set the Chat ID as obtained in step 3.

Please note that the TrakIT Telegram Bot does not respond to messages. It will only provide notifications.

For any questions or guidance, please connect with TrakIT Support.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

New HR Module

As TrakIT continues to evolve, incorporating more features and functions, we are excited to announce the addition of a new module that further establishes TrakIT as the premier one-stop solution for logistics workflow ERP systems.

In the coming weeks, we will introduce a comprehensive Human Resources (HR) module. This module will be accessible through a new "HR" menu option under the main menu. Designed to streamline the management of all personnel, the HR module will cater to employees, contractors, interns, and any other individuals working within your organization.

The initial rollout will include two key components:

  1. Employee Master Page: This page will serve as a central repository for all employee information, allowing you to efficiently manage and access personnel records.
  2. Attendance Module: This feature will enable you to log daily attendance for all employees, providing an easy-to-use interface for tracking and reporting attendance data.

We are eager to hear your feedback and constructive criticism as we continue to enhance TrakIT to better meet your needs. Your input is invaluable in helping us refine and improve our offerings.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to TrakIT Support. We are here to assist you.

Friday 21 June 2024

Internal Posting

Many companies using TrakIT have internal and independent profit centres. Until now, there was no way to allocate income and expense accounts internally in TrakIT.

With the latest update, we have introduced a new page called "Internal Posting" under the Finance menu. Income and Expense accounts in jobs can now be allocated internally. Internal Posts function similarly to Invoices and Bills, except there are no external entities involved. Additionally, the net total of accounts allocated to the posting must be zero.

Here are some key points about how Internal Posts (IPosts) work:

  • You can allocate Income and Expense accounts (not disbursements).
  • You cannot allocate accounts that are already allocated to an invoice or bill.
  • You cannot allocate accounts to bills or invoices if they are already allocated to an IPost.
  • IPosts can be approved only when the sum of Income and Expense accounts is exactly zero.
  • IPosts can be approved only if all allocated accounts are approved (or don't require approval).
  • Accounts linked to IPosts can never have taxes.
  • Sequence numbers for the IPost will be generated upon approval.
  • Permissions for IPosts can be defined in the Role Management section by SysAdmins.
  • Once synced to Finance systems, the FinRef field will be populated.

IPosts do not affect the profitability of a job, and they do not affect billing or invoicing. 

For any questions, concerns, or guidance, please contact TrakIT Support.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Enable Time-based OTP for Two Factor Authentication

TrakIT now supports time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) that can be generated by most Two-Factor Authentication apps.

To enable TOTP authentication for any user, modify the user's profile and select "TOTP".

Once enabled, TrakIT will ask the user to register their preferred authenticator app upon the next login.

The user can use any TOTP-based authenticator app like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, Duo and many others. 

Once registered, the user will be asked for an OTP every time they successfully log in.

TOTP authentication is superior to SMS-based TFA, as it is more secure and doesn't require data or a network connection.

For any questions or concerns, or if you're facing any difficulty with setting up your TOTP based TFA, please contact TrakIT Support.

Monday 29 April 2024

Update Events from QR Codes

It is a challenging task to get drivers to update pickups, deliveries and other events using the TrakIT Mobile app as they may not be well-versed in how the app works.

With the latest update, we've made it extremely simple for drivers to update events in a work order by simply scanning a QR Code from the TrakIT Mobile app.


On any Work Order-based form (such as Pickup Order or Delivery Note), insert the QR Code in the place where you would like to display it. The code will contain the event that needs to be triggered. It is also possible to have multiple QR codes on a single form (one for each event). Ideally, a description of the QR Code should be placed below the code. An example (with a dummy QR Code) is shown below.


Once the form is printed, the driver can open the TrakIT Mobile app, tap the scan button on the bottom right corner and scan the QR code. Upon successful scan, the event is immediately updated and the driver is notified of the same.

Any automation actions on the event will be triggered immediately - such as sending an email or SMS to the customer. If the event was already updated previously, it won't update again.

Please note that the validation rules in place for the event are still valid. If the event cannot be updated due to some other validations in place, the error message is returned to the driver.

Please contact TrakIT Support to help set up QR Codes for your forms or let us know if you have any questions.