Monday 23 May 2022

Changes to Assets Module

In an upcoming update of TrakIT, please note that we will be linking assets with companies.

Note the following points carefully:

  • Each asset will belong to a company (even if it is a third-party asset)
  • Users (except SysAdmins) will only be able to see assets for their primary company and any additional companies they are assigned to
  • The initial company for each asset will be based on responsible users / asset creators company
  • Asset Types, Asset Categories and Asset Data will continue to be global and available to all companies
  • ​While adding assets in Work Order it will list only those assets which belong to user's assigned company(s)

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Introducing Events & Data

With the latest Update of TrakIT, a new feature to manage "Events & Data" is provisioned. It helps you to perform a search for any event or data using given filters. It can show you the results across all workflows or for a specific Transport Document / Work Order / Container / Event / Data / as per value of the Event / Data. In the background of workflows, it also provides the flexibility to define the event/data ownership and due date which is dependent on any specific event(s) date. By having it defined it allows you to track and monitor which all events/data are overdue or overdue within 2 days or 5 days. 

Viewing Events & Data

You can navigate to it from Menu Workflows > Events & Data

It will show you below screen wherein you can make use of different filters to track and update events/data in a timely manner. It helps you to inform responsible owners about events/data which are overdue or getting due in a few days. You can download the list of such events/data simply by clicking on the export button. The access to view and update events/data is controlled by events & data permissions. 

Define the Event/Data Ownership

You can define the Event/Data Ownership by navigating to Admin > Workflow Definitions and follow below steps:

Step 1: Switch to Event/Data Tab 

Step 2: Click on any specific Event/Data wherein you can edit it by clicking on the
pencil icon
Step 3: Refer to "Owner Role" dropdown to define the Ownership, as shown below:

Define the Event/Data Due Days

You can define the Event/Data Due Days by navigating to Admin > Workflow Definitions and follow below steps:

Step 1: Switch to Event/Data Tab 

Step 2: Click on any specific Event/Data and then switch to "Due Days" Tab as shown below:

Step 3 : Click on "Add" button, it will populate below screen, wherein you can select the dependent Event and Offset Days as target for the completion of an event/data.

On "Events & Data" Page the "Event/Data Due Date" Filter (as shown below) works based on the defined due days against the events/data in the workflows (as shown above).

For any questions or clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support ( We welcome feedback and suggestions for this new feature.


Friday 6 May 2022

Introducing Quotations

With the latest update of TrakIT, a new module for Quotations has been introduced under the Finance menu.

The Quotations module allow you to quickly create a quotation for a customer before even creating the shipment. After approval, the quotation can be generated on a PDF file and sent to the customer at the click of a button. You can finalize the quotation or revise it any number of times.

Viewing Quotations

Go to Finance > Quotations to get access to all quotations for your company or companies that you have access to. You can filter quotations using the filters provided or create a new quotation.

Yellow highlighted row indicates that the quotation is a Template. Cancelled quotations are displayed in Red. 

The list can be downloaded in the excel format by clicking on Export button.

Creating Quotations

To create a new quotation click on the New Quote button. 

Quotation can be of types 'Normal' or 'Template'. The major difference is that if the quotation is of 'Template' type it cannot be generated but can be replicated to create new quotations, thus saving time to create them from scratch.

  • The title of two quotations cannot be same within the same company.
  • By default the primary company is selected of the user. In case of multiple company access, select the required company from the dropdown.
  • Internal Remarks can be seen on the Quotation details page.
  • External Remarks and Terms & Condition can be printed on the quotations.

As shown in the below image, fill in the details as per the requirement and then click on the Create button.

On creation, the quotation is initially in the draft status and the revision is indicated as 1. The Quotation can be replicated, edited or deleted.

To add accounts click on the Add button and fill in the details as indicated. Below image for your reference.

After adding the account click on the Request Approval or Approve button as per user access. On approval, you see as per the below image that the status is updated to approved. On Revision, the Revision count will increase by 1. 

Generation of Quotation

1.Pre-requiste:  In Form Definitions, under Finance tab, create a form template with sub-type "Quotation". 

2. Click on the Generate button as shown in the above pic, and from the drop-down select the form templates available as indicated in above point 1. If the quotations need to be emailed, select the checkboxes as required.

3. Click on the Generate button.

After Generation of Quotation

To view or download the pdf, go to Documents tab and click on the respective icons. The 'R1' in the file name indicates the revision number.

External files can also be added here, by clicking on the Add Files button.

The work flow of a Quotation is as depicted below.

Notification emails are sent to the users having access or users selected under Notify Users field on each status change.

Quotation Permissions

The relevant permissions for user roles must be allocated for various actions possible with Quotations. This must be granted by System Administrators at Admin > Role Management > Role Customisation.

For any questions or clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support. We welcome feedback and suggestions for this new Quotation module.