Monday 24 December 2012

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year !!

Dear TrakIT Users,

All of us at Bitmetric would like to wish you all good health, comfort and prosperity this holiday season. May your days be filled with abundant love, goodwill and peace.

Wishing you and your families a memorable Christmas day, a fun-filled festive season and a wonderul new year.

Best Wishes and Warmest Regards,
Bitmetric Technologies

Thursday 6 December 2012

TrakIT Online User Documentation

We've just released the TrakIT Online User Documentation that provides comprehensive guidance and online user help for TrakIT users.

With the latest release of TrakIT, you will find the icon on almost all pages in TrakIT. Clicking the help icon will take you directly to the relevant online documentation for the page.

You can also access the online documentation directly at:

The documentation is in it's first release and we are improving upon it constantly. If you have any feedback or are unable to understand any section of the documentation, please let us know how we can improve.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Reporting An Issue

We've included a new feature for users to report any issues they encounter in TrakIT. At the bottom of any page, you will find a 'Support' link.

Clicking the link will open up a window that allows you to view the list of Admins and SysAdmins in TrakIT or report an issue or problem that you encountered in TrakIT. Select the 'Report an Issue' option.

Fill up the following fields:

Description of Issue: Please provide as much information here as you possibly can. The more information you provide us, the better it is to isolate and fix the issue. Information here should include the steps that you took that caused the problem and any reason you think why it may have happened. In most cases, we need to be able to reproduce the issue to be able to fix it.

Menu or Page location & Approx Time: Tell us where exactly or in which part of TrakIT did the issue happen. This could include the page name, section or popup where the issue occurred. If possible, include the time at which the issue happened. This helps us in checking the system logs to see what was happening around that time and if the issue was caused indirectly by another process or user.

T/D, WO, Corridor or Entity Reference: Tell us which WO, corridor, or entity had this issue. This helps us to isolate if the issue is caused only under certain circumstances or conditions.

Attachment/Screenshot: If you can capture the issue or error message in a screenshot or supply file or report that has the issue, it will be of great help. If you wish to submit multiple files, just zip them into one file and attach the zip file.

Once you click on the Submit button, the information is put into an email and sent to with a copy to you and a blind copy to all SysAdmins.

Once we receive the email, we will respond as soon as possible to help you resolve the issue or it will be fixed in TrakIT (if identified as an issue in TrakIT).

For any questions of clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support.

Friday 23 November 2012

Upload Documents by Email

With the latest release of TrakIT, it is now possible to upload documents or email content for shipments or work orders by email - without even opening TrakIT. All you need to do is attach the documents, change the subject line and send the email.

Depending on your purpose, there are two ways to upload:

1) Uploading Documents

To upload documents by email, follow these steps:
  1. Open a new email and attach the documents (or forward an existing email with attachments) and set the recipient as your designated TrakIT email address.
  2. Set the subject as TrakIT Upload followed by the Work Order ID or container number. For example, the email subject could be: Trakit  Upload  ABCU1234567
  3. By default, the document uploaded will be shared for the whole shipment. If you wish the upload the document(s) for a single container only, add the keyword NoShare after the container number. For example: Trakit  Upload  12345  Noshare
  4. Send the email.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email indicating the success or failure of the upload. The text content of the email is ignored.

2) Uploading Email Content

If you wish to archive an email conversation regarding a shipment or work order, you can simply forward the last email to TrakIT as below:
  1. Forward an existing email with content that needs to be archived and set the recipient as the designated TrakIT email address.
  2. Set the subject as TrakIT Save followed by the Work Order ID or container number. For example, the email subject could be: Trakit  Save  ABCU1234567
  3. By default, the document will be shared for the whole shipment. If you wish the upload the document(s) for a single container only, add the keyword NoShare after the container number. For example: Trakit  Save  12345  Noshare
  4. Send the email.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email indicating the success or failure of the upload. The content of the email is converted and attached as a plain text document. Any attachments in the email are ignored.

Points to Remember:

When sending document upload emails, please take care of the following:
  • You can only upload documents on work orders where you have the permission to upload.
  • The email address you send from must be your registered email address in TrakIT and your user profile should not be locked.
  • Make sure your email body does not have any logos as these are also treated as valid attachments.
  • Each attachment can be a maximum of 4 MB. There is no limit on the number of attachments in one email.
  • Email content can be a maximum of 8000 characters.
  • Uploaded documents are accessible by all users who have access to the work order. Please do not upload document that are sensitive in nature. Use the normal TrakIT upload function and set the document role as appropriate.
  • The subject line is not case-sensitive. So trakit upload will work just as well as TrakIT Upload.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Message Broadcast & Container Tracking

With the latest release of TrakIT, we've added two new modules as well as other features:

Message Broadcast

TrakIT can now broadcast messages to a large group of users. This function is available to Admins and SysAdmins only.
The recipients can be chosen as a group of entities or user roles belonging to specified countries. If an Entity Type is chosen, a maximum of 4 countries can be selected. Irrespective of the selection of recipients, SysAdmins of TrakIT are always included as recipients.
The subject of the email and content, as well as a single attachment (of up to 1 MB) can be included in the broadcast.

Messages that are broadcast are stored in the list of messages which all users can read or download attachments from.

Container Tracking

The Container Tracking module is a special list of containers that are tracked across corridors. Events in a corridor can now be flagged as 'Entry' or 'Exit' events for the Container Tracking module. When an 'Entry' event is populated in a Work Order by a user (either via direct update, email update or bulk update), the container is added to the list of active containers (if not already there).
The allowed free days are copied from the work order that caused the entry of the container and the number of days are counted from the time of entry (which is the same as the event that triggered the entry).
Similarly, when an 'Exit' event is populated by a user, the system checks if the container in the Work Order is an active container in the Container Tracking list. If so, the container is "exited" from the list and grayed out. The Exit event could either be in the same corridor as the Entry event or a different one.
The Container Tracking Module does not currently provide email alerts for containers that are reaching the free days limit. This will be implemented in the next phase.
For any questions of concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Some new features!

With the latest release, we've added some handy features to help you use TrakIT even better...

1) Entites included in Global Search - When you use the search box under the main menu, you will now see entites included in the search results as well. This can help you locate any entity quickly if you know only the partial name or code.

All kinds of entities are included in the search result - Customers, Transporters, Carriers, Bond Agents & Clearing Agents. Clicking on the Entity's name will pop up the Entity Details window.

2) Default start page for users - Users can now select their own start page instead of always starting with the Operations page. For example, open the Dashboard page, scroll down and click the star icon in the lower right corner of the page footer. The star icon will turn gold indicating that the page has been selected as the startup page. When starting TrakIT the next time, the Dashboard page will open first.

If you are opening TrakIT via a bookmark that points to the Operations page directly, then this feature won't work. Please make sure that any book mark points to the TrakIT application without any specific page associated with it.

3) Work Order page and other page URLs now appear a little simpler than before. So instead of seeing


you will see


4) Interactive Reports > Data Quality Reports - DQ reports will now exclude Cancelled Work Orders completely.

5) Dashboard Top 10 Pie Charts - Previously any work orders that was not assigned to the Pie chart selection criteria, was assigned under the 'Others' slice. Now, 'Empty' slices appear separately from 'Others'.

Besides the above, there have been several improvements and fixes. For any more information, please contact TrakIT Support.


Thursday 4 October 2012

Get with the Sequence!

This is a common question from users: "What does 'Out of Sequence (Check all)' mean? "

You may get this message even when there are no missing events in the work order you are working on. Here's what it means:
By default, TrakIT will not allow you to skip events or leave them blank. This is simply to enforce good practices and ensure better data quality. Thus, when you see the error "Out of sequence", it simply means that there are one or more missing events prior to the event you are entering. Once you fill up the missing events with 'NA' (Not applicable/available) or 'TBA' (To be advised), you will not get this error.
In some cases, you may see the error "Out of sequence (Check all)" despite all events being entered. This will happen only when the work order is a part of a shipment with other work orders as well and the 'Apply to T/D' or 'Apply to S/I' checkbox is selected.
When an event is being applied to all work orders in the shipment, the missing event check is also applied for all work orders in the shipment. If any of the work orders are missing events prior to the event in question, the whole operation fails with the above message - which indicates to 'Check all' work orders for missing events.
Although it is possible to insert empty events when using the Bulk Update function and selecting the checkbox 'Ignore Event Sequence', it should, as far as possble, be avoided. Leaving events empty during bulk updates will cause the "Out of sequence" error for other users subsequently.
For any questions or clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support.

Saturday 15 September 2012

KPIs to Measure Hours

In TrakIT, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) basically measure the time difference between two events in a corridor. Previously, this difference was measured in whole days only - with an option to exlude weekends and defined holidays. Based on other conditions, a KPI can be set up to provide alerts when certain criteria are met.

With the latest build of TrakIT - A major change has been implemented with the way KPIs are measured. KPIs now measure hours as well as the days between two events.

When a KPI is setup to measure Business Hours only, the country and zone must be selected for the KPI. This is so that TrakIT can determine the holidays for the country and calculate the correct business hours as per the time zone selected.

It is very important to know the difference between Business Hours and Running Hours as these figures are very different for the same two events. Business hours are measured only between 9 am to 5 pm local time and completely excludes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays defined for the country. KPIs that measure Business hours are always displayed in italics.

The KPI Target and Actual values are displayed in days and hours. One running day is 24 running hours, whereas one business day consists of 8 business hours.

For example:

Start Time:11:00 hrs, 14th Sept 2012
End Time:18:30 hrs, 18th Sept 2012
Running Days/Hours: 4 days & 7 hours (103 running hours)
Business Days/Hours:2 days & 6 hours (22 business hours)
The Business days are calculated as follows:
14th Sep, Friday:11:00 to 17:00= 6 hours
15th Sep, Saturday: = 0 hours
16th Sep, Sunday: = 0 hours
17th Sep, Monday:09:00 to 17:00= 8 hours
18th Sep, Tuesday:09:00 to 17:00= 8 hours

Any excess minutes are always truncated (not rounded). When exporting KPIs via Excel or CSV, the figures are always in hours.

For any questions of clarifications, contact TrakIT Support.

Saturday 18 August 2012

TrakIT Tracks Time

Events in TrakIT will now include the time of the event as well. This will benefit "fast" shipments tremendously where events are separated in hours or minutes instead of days.

The time of an event will always be specified in 24 hour format as HH:mm, dd MMM yyyy. Example: 14:55, 18 Aug 2012. AM/PM will not be used. Furthermore, users must be aware that the time specified for an event is assumed to be the local time of the user entering the event. This fact will be significant for corridors where the origin and destination are on different time zones. Users can also enter an event time up to 6 hours in the future.

Having a time-stamp on each event will also allow managers to see the time difference between the occurence of an event and the time it is updated in TrakIT. This will help identifying events that are logged with delays or bottlenecks in the workflow process.

Entering the time is simple. The pop-up calendar will now include drop-down lists for hours and minutes (in intervals of 5 minutes). The user should select the hour/minute and then select the date. If the event is being updated in real-time, the user can simply click the 'Now' link to insert the current date/time. If time is not is not selectable by the drop down list (e.g: 14:53), the user can type in the time directly in the text box.

All existing and old events in the system will automatically get a time of 12:00 (noon) based on the local time of the user who entered the event.

Time can also be considered to be optional as the default time will be 12:00 for all events. So users who don't need to use time for events can simply select the date.

Any events exported from the Operations page will also include the time of the event (in the user's local time). Bulk updates for events will also be assumed to be the local time of the user making the update.

The time for event updates by email will be taken as the time the email is received on the server. (This will change in a future update)

Currently, KPIs will only be measured in days. In the next update of TrakIT, hour and minute based KPIs will be available as well.

For any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact TrakIT Support. If you notice any un-expected or erroneous behaviour, please notify us immediately.

Monday 16 July 2012

Dynamic Dashboard

With the latest build of TrakIT (build 55), the Dashboard page is now dynamic with addition and removal of charts and graphs.

Users can not set their own charts and graphs on their Dashboard. Currently, the following types of charts are available:

Work Order Creation - This is the basic graph that was present earlier and displays the number of work orders created each month.

KPI Performance Graph - This is a trend chart that displays the average calculated days of a selected KPI over the selected time period. The KPI is selected from the Master KPI list.

Event Occurrence Trend - This is a trend chart that displays the number of work orders for a particular event occurring during a month. Although the selection of the event is made from a single corridor, the event code is used to obtain the events from all corridors selected in the filters. For example: If you selected the event 'Discharged' from the list, TrakIT will use the event code (default 'DIS'), and obtain the corresponding events from all corridors selected in the filters.

Top 10 Pie Charts - These display pie charts that previously existed as well as the addition of a few more charts.

Each chart can be removed by clicking the close button. And the source data for each chart can be exported to MS-Excel by clicking the Excel icon.

For any questions, please contact TrakIT Support.

Monday 2 July 2012

Active Filters & Excel Filters

With the latest update, Build 54, released yesterday, below are two changes (among many others) that were released:

Visually Distinctive Filters - The filters on the Operations page are now displayed in a light red colour if they are playing an active role in obtaining the list of work orders that you see. This makes it very easy to visually see which filters are in effect.

Excel Export Template & Header Filters - In the Customs & Advanced Reports, you now have the option to choose an Excel File (that maybe contains your company logo) as a template to use for exports. Additionally, you can choose to apply filters on the header row for receipients to quickly filter down to the information they need.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Update to Bulk Updates & Event Email Notifications

With build 51 of Trakit released today, two significant changes have taken place:

1) Bulk Updates

Previously, users had to copy and paste content from an Excel worksheet into a text box. TrakIT would scan the entire content against the database to look for changes. This was a time consuming and resource intensive process.

With the update released today, users must directly upload the Excel file for TrakIT to process. Changes to the data must be highlighted in yellow so that TrakIT need not compare every value against the database. Instructions are included on the Bulk Update page.

Furthermore, as the bulk update may take time, the result of the bulk update is emailed to the user instead of being displayed on the page. This allows TrakIT to process large excel files in the background instead of tying up the user.

Bulk Update Excel files can also be emailed to TrakIT with the subject 'TrakIT Update'. The attachment would be processed in the same way as if it was uploaded via the Bulk Update page.

2) Email Notifications

The alert subscription page has been renamed to 'Email Notifications'. Users can now subscribe to changes in event or corridor data in a work order for any corridor.

When an event or data item is changed in the work order, an consolidated email is sent to all subscribed users within half an hour.

For any questions of clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support.

Sunday 20 May 2012

TrakIT Build 50 Released

TrakIT Build 50 has been released today. This update contains a large number of changes, new features , improvements and optimizations. It is recommend that all users go through the below to familiarize themselves.

1) Re-design of Filters
The filters on the Operations page have been re-designed to be 'modular' and dynamically sized. This means there is no limit on the number of filters you can select. The filter box will get bigger to accommodate more filters.

The corridor filter is now permanent and will not be affected by the 'Reset' button. Each filter 'box' can be closed by clicking on the small gray close button.

However, it is recommended that you use the least number of filters required as using more filters results in bigger page sizes and consequently longer times to process/load pages.

2) KPI Performance Report
The KPI Performance Report has been modfied to include date selection as well as KPI selection. The report can now be grouped by Corridor or KPIs.

3) Work Order Close/Cancel Logic
Work Orders can now be cancelled or closed manually. Closed or Cancelled work orders become disabled and no further changes are possible (except by Admins). Cancelled work orders are not included in any reports. Work Orders are also automatically closed when all required events have been entered. Such work orders can be re-opened by Admins by removing one of the required events.

4) Selection of Containers on Forms
If you do not wish to print the complete list of containers on a form, you can now select or de-select the containers to be included in the form PDF. However, this selection is not saved and the list is reset if the form is re-selected.

5) Corridor Data Default Text
You can now specify default text for corridor data. This avoids the user having to enter data that is usually the same in 90% of cases.

6) Hierarchical Access List
You can now see the list of users who have access to a particular geographic location by virtue of heirarchy in the Geography & Access page. Just select a location and see the list of users on the right. The assignment / removal of users from locations as been moved down.

7) Work Order Status
The Work Order Status has been added to the top right corner of the work order page. The status of a work order can be any one of these four: Active, Abandoned, Cancelled and Closed.

8) Alert Snooze functionality in Ops page
Active alerts can be snoozed directly in the operations. Clicking on the alert icon opens a pop-up that lists all the KPIs and alerts for the selected work order or shipment. The user can enter a snooze date or clear any snoozed dates for active alerts.

8) Consolidate Daily Alerts
Users who have subscribed to Alert emails will now get daily emails every morning listing all active alerts they are subscribed to. Ideally, alerts should be snoozed once the user has noted it or taken action. Snoozed alerts are not included in emails.

9) Flashing Abandoned Work Order Icon removed
It has been noted that there are almost always some Work Order abandoned - thus making the flashing icon a distraction rather than a warning. It has been removed for the time being.

For any questions, clarifications or feedback, please contact your TrakIT administrator or contact TrakIT Support.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Serial Number in Custom/Advanced Reports

With the latest build, the mandatory serial number has been removed from all Custom and Advanced Reports. If you wish to include a serial number column in your reports, simply add the field from the 'Basic' souce as shown below:

As with any field, you can re-order and choose the position of the column in the report.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Interactive Reports - First Release

With the build 44, the first version of the "Interactive Reports" has been released. These reports will contain both operational and management reports.

When opening Interactive Reports, you will be presented with a list of reports along with a short description. When you select a report, a filter box for the report will be displayed from which you may select the report filters as required.

Clicking the 'Generate Report' button will cause the report window to popup with the generated report. You may download the report as a PDF file or choose to email it to yourself.

Please note that this is the first iteration of the Interactive Reports. More reports and features (including drill-down capability) will be added as soon as we can develop them.
Other changes in this build:

  1. KPI Alert Emails re-formatted.
  2. Entity ID exposed as a read-only field.
  3. Fixed Issue in Custom/Advanced Reports.
  4. Added Access Level in Corridor Forms.
  5. Sent Mail page added (for Admins).
  6. Bulk Update by Email - Permissions modified.
  7. Added Bond Agent & Clearing Agent updates to bulk updates.
  8. Fixed issue with PDF downloads.

Your feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Saturday 7 April 2012

PDF Functionality Released

With Build 41, TrakIT supports direct creation of PDF files. The feature has been added to the Form generation page where user's can now choose to email the generated form as a PDF.

Additional changes in TrakIT:

  1. Custom/Advanced Reports as well as Operations Export can now export directly to the MS Excel XLSX format.
  2. Added Depot to Custom & Advanced Reports - The depot selected for a work order can now be chosen as an export field.
  3. KPI Snooze can be set directly instead of choosing the number of days.
  4. Administrators can specify the date of the work order creation in KPI setup using the code 'CREATED'

For any clarifications or support, please contact TrakIT Support.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Work Order Priority

With the last build (build 39), TrakIT supports assigning a graphical work order priority to each work order. The priority can be one of the below values:

The priority selected is displayed as in icon on the operations page or the work order page. It can also be included in export of work orders or custom/advanced reports.

When viewing the operations page in 'Shipment' mode or exporting consolidated reports, the priority shown for a shipment is the highest priority of any of its work orders.

For more information, please contact TrakIT Support.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Testing Advanced Reports with Build 38

Build 38, released today, includes a test version of the upcoming Advanced Reports. Testing is currently open to Administrators only.

Advanced Reports allows you to build fields and filters for a report dynamically. Creation of the advanced reports and adding of fields is the almost the same as the Custom Reports with the exception that the user must enter the code for an event or data item instead of choosing it from a drop-down list. This is because the Advanced Reports can span multiple corridors.

The main feature of the Advanced Reports is that you can build your filter dynamically. After creating a subscription, click on the filter icon for the subscription to open the filter window.

Select a filter type from the list on the left, select the items from the list displayed on the right and click 'Add Filter'. The selected filter is then appended to the list of Filters selected and removed the the Available Filters list.

The Filters window currently does not contain all possible filters. More will be added soon. As with the Custom Reports, the subscriptions can be set up for mulitple days and times.

Please note that the Advanced Report page is currently for test and evaluation purposes only. Do not set up advanced reports for external emails for now. Your feedback in improving the report filters will be appreciated.

Other changes included in Build 38:

Automatic population of empty B/L and container number - Bill of Lading number (S/I Number or T/D Number) and Container numbers are now non-mandatory fields. If you don't specify the bill of lading number and/or the container number, TrakIT will automatically populate the numbers based on the Work Order ID created. B/L number will be TBAxxxxxxxx and container numbers will be TBAUxxxxxxx where xxxxxxx is the Work Order ID. For a group of work orders, the B/L number assigned will be derived from the first work order.

Entity Document Upload User Notification - User notification selection for uploading entity docments has changed from the drop-down list to the auto-complete text box.

Fixed issues in email updates - An extra long email in the inbox would cause an error in TrakIT and stop processing of subsequent emails. This has been fixed.

Admin Corridors Access logic changed - Admins can now view/edit corridors based on their location assigned instead of their office (as was previously).

Work Order Edit - Transporters and Agents fields have been changed to autocomplete textboxes with country selection.

Work Order Export - Export from the operations page has been modified to display <Void> when the data or event doesn't exist. An empty value in the field indicated that the events or data is actually present and is blank.

Comments, feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Consolidated Custom Reports

With build 37, a new type of Custom Report has been introduced. When creating a new Custom Report, you can now select between 'By Work Order' or 'By Bill of Lading'. Previously, Custom Report always presented information 'by work order'.

When you select a consolidated report, the number of basic fields available for adding are reduced to those that would ideally be the same for all work orders in a shipment. Additionally, only the events and data that are marked 'For B/L' are available for selection. KPIs are unchanged and all are available for selection.

When a shipment has work orders with different dates for the same event, the latest date is chosen along with a 'latest' suffix. KPI values are always averaged across work orders.

Additional Changes in build 37:

  1. A POP Inbox page has been added for System Administrators to view incoming emails and TrakIT's response to those emails.
  2. The restriction of requiring at least one primary service for a work order has been removed.
  3. Selection of customers for custom events, selection of users for document upload notification or selection of customers for custom reports, now does not require scrolling through long lists.
  4. XML spreadsheet exports were fixed to recognize dates and numbers.
Numerous other minor changes and fixes were implemented. If you have any questions or issues, kindly contact TrakIT Support.

Sunday 11 March 2012

New Main Menu

The main menu has been re-designed to conserve space, especially for smaller screen or laptops. The menu has been moved right up to the top of the page and now incorporates a "global" search function right below the menu bar.

The search function is activated when you press the 'Enter' key after typing in something. A maximum of 10 results are displayed based on a partial match of the Work Order ID, B/L number, Container Number or Manifest number.

The number matches are high-lighted in yellow. Clicking on the work order number opens the work order page directly.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Closing a Work Order

The logic for closing a work order has changed with Build 35 - released on 6th March, 2012.

Previously, if any designated 'End' event for a work order had a date and it was the latest date in the list of events, the work order was deemed to be closed.

Now, all designated 'End' events for the work order must have a date or be marked 'NA' before the work order is marked as closed. The dates entered in the 'End' events need not be the latest in the sequence of events.

For any clarification or doubts, please contact

Saturday 3 March 2012

Build 34 Released

TrakIT - Build 34
Released: 2nd March 2012

Build 34 has been released and includes four new features:

1. Bulk Updates Expanded - The bulk update feature has again been expanded to incude direct copy/paste from MS-Excel instead of uploading CSV files (which users may not be comfortable with). The page can be accessed from System > Bulk Updates and contains instructions within.

2. Country Selection for Customers and Creation of New Customers - When creating or editing a work order, you can now choose the country to which the customer belongs. The auto-complete feature then works on the customers in that country. The default country is chosen as per the selected corridor. Additionally, if the customer does not exist in the database, a new customer can be created quickly using the 'Add New' link provided.

3. Events can by updated by Emails -  Users at remote locations (such as ports or depots) or on the move, who do not have access to TrakIT, can now update TrakIT by simply sending an email to a specific email address for your TrakIT installation (typically <yourcompany> The email must simply contain the full event name, followed by the container/manifest numbers on separate lines. The email is authenticated by TrakIT based on the sender's email address (which should belong to a valid TrakIT user) and the corresponding work order events are updated with the same date on which the email is received. A response email is sent back to the user within minutes indicating the work orders updated and those not updated.

Below is an example text for the email a user at the port might send to TrakIT:


The email does not require any signature and must not contain any other text. But, the subject line must begin with "TrakIT Update" (without quotes).

4. Saving of Export Filters - The selection of checkboxes in the Export page can now be saved by clicking the 'Save Filters' button. This way, the user does not need to select the fields for export every time an export is required.

The exported CSV can be opened in Excel, data can be changed and re-imported back into TrakIT via the Bulk Update feature.

For any questions or clarifications, please write to

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Build 33 Released

TrakIT - Build 33
Released: 28th February 2012

Build 33 has been released mid-week and includes three new features:

1. KPI Alerts Snooze - Alerts on work order KPIs can now be "snoozed" for one to seven days after which they become active again. To snooze an alert, simply select the number of days to snooze and then click 'Save'. When the set number of days have elapsed, the alert is activated again and emails are sent out to subscribed users again.

2. Bulk Updates for Work Order Events & Data - A large number (up to 100) of events and data in work orders can be updated in one go using a CSV file or CSV formatted data. Only the Work Order ID, the event/data code and the event date or data is required. Option of over-writing existing data is available only for Power Users and above. See System > Bulk Updates.

3. One-click Access to Work Orders - You can now open a particular work order in one click from the Operations page even if the work order doesn't appear on the first page. Simply enter the work order ID, container/manifest number or B/L number and click 'Go'. The first matching work order is opened directly. If more than one work orders match, the latest is opened directly.

For any questions or clarifications, please write to

Saturday 25 February 2012

Build 32 Released

TrakIT - Build 32
Released: 25th February 2012

Build 32 has been released today and includes many changes and fixes. The major changes are listed below:

1. Editing the Work Order header has been completely redesigned. You can now apply each field to the shipment or work order individually. The information has also been grouped for easier access. It is possible to change the Shipment number or Customer as well.

2. The Customer & Responsible Person has fields have changed to a auto-complete texbox when editing the Work Order Header.

3. When changing the corridor or service(s) for a Work Order, you have the option to apply the change to the entire shipment. This is enabled by default.

4. Date selection modes have been added to KPI definitions. When several events are used for a KPI, it is possible to choose between the events using one of three options:First Found, Earliest & Latest.

5. A 'Remarks for Shipment' field has been added to each work order. This field automatically replicates the comments entered into all work orders belonging to the shipment.

6. On the operations page, you can now see any active alerts without opening the work order. Just click on the red alert icon.

7. When creating a new work order, the system will check if the container or manifest number is already in use on a active work order.

For any questions or clarifications, please write to

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Dawn of a new Blog

TrakIT now gets it own official blog!!

All changes to TrakIT, including new features, enhancements will be displayed and explained in detail on this blog!

We hope you will find this blog as interesting as we have enjoyed making it for you.

A short and concise guide to the changes released in each version can always be seen at the TrakIT Change Log page.

Yours Sincerely,
The guys @ Bitmetric.