Wednesday, 22 January 2025

New Event/Data Filters for Advanced Report

With the latest update of TrakIT a new 'Event/Data Values' filter has been introduced for Advanced Reports. Previously, it was only possible to select either completed or not completed events/data fields as filters. Any other condition had to be added as a custom filter by the TrakIT Support team.

The new filter 'Event/Data Values' has replaced the previous 'Completed Event/Data' and 'Not Completed Event/Data' filters.

You can select one or more event/data codes. For example: DEL, ETA. If any of the event/data fields match the condition, the work order will be included in the report.

The values of the event/data field can be compared with a list of available options explained below:

  • not empty/TBA - Value must be not empty or "TBA" (To Be Advised)
  • NA - Value must be "NA"
  • TBA - Value must be "TBA"
  • empty - Value must be empty
  • a date this month - Value must be a date that falls in the current month
  • a date this quarter - Value must be a date that falls in the current quarter
  • a date this year - Value must be a date that falls in the current year
  • a date from - Value must be a date that falls on or after the specified date
  • a date up to - Value must be a date that falls on or before the specified date
  • a date between - Value must be a date that falls in between the specified dates (both dates inclusive)
  • a date within last - Value must be a date within the last specified number of days
  • a date within next - Value must be a date within the next specified number of days
  • a partial match - Value must be a partial match for the specified text
  • starting with - Value must begin with the specified text
  • ending with - Value must end with the specified text
  • an exact match - Value must be exactly the same as the specified text
  • not containing - Value must not contain the specified text
  • from list - Value must be exactly one of the items in the specified list of items (comma or semi-colon separated)
  • a number >= - Value must be a number equal to or greater than the specified number
  • a number <= - Value must be a number equal to or less than the specified number
  • a number in range - Value must be a number in range of the specified numbers (both inclusive)

Please note that all text comparisons are case-insensitive. "ABC" is the same as "abc".

The 'Negate Condition' checkbox inverts the condition set for the filter. For example. If you have set the 'Ending with' filter, negating it becomes 'Not ending with'.

By default, the event/data filters only look for events and data in open work orders. To search within closed work orders, select the 'Include closed WO' checkbox. Note that this can cause the report generation to take a lot longer than it normally would. Do not use this option unless you really need it.

For any questions or clarification, please contact TrakIT Support.