Friday 31 December 2021

Friday 24 December 2021

Account Level Approval

With the latest update of TrakIT, accounts can be approved on a line item basis on the actuals. As a result, invoices can be approved and bills can be validated only if the accounts within the invoice or bill are also approved (or don't require approval).

Account approval works only on the Actual Accounts, not the Estimates. All Estimates are approved together as usual.

Setting Up

In the Finance Masters, you can set up the approval mode for each account individually. Edit an account and set the field Approval Mode as per below.

No Approval Required - This is the default setting. Approval is not required for the account.

If Modified from Estimate - When the estimates are approved and transferred to the actuals, these accounts are automatically set to approved. If a user changes any of these accounts, the account is set to up-approved. Once un-approved, they must be again approved by a user with permission to approve the accounts.

Approval Always Required - These accounts are always set to un-approved state and will always require approval. If any change is made to the account after approval, they will require to be re-approved.

Approving Accounts

Approval of Actual accounts happens after the approval of the Estimates. Estimate accounts are approved altogether (not individually). Once the Estimates are approved, the Actual Accounts are displayed with the 'Appr' column that indicates the state of approval.

A gray icon means that the account does not require approval. An orange icon means the account  requires approval, while a green icon means the account is approved.

Accounts can be approved by selecting the checkboxes next to the accounts and selecting 'Approval Accounts' from the Task button menu.

Approval can be performed by a user whose role includes the permission to approve estimates.

For any question or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.