Thursday 4 October 2012

Get with the Sequence!

This is a common question from users: "What does 'Out of Sequence (Check all)' mean? "

You may get this message even when there are no missing events in the work order you are working on. Here's what it means:
By default, TrakIT will not allow you to skip events or leave them blank. This is simply to enforce good practices and ensure better data quality. Thus, when you see the error "Out of sequence", it simply means that there are one or more missing events prior to the event you are entering. Once you fill up the missing events with 'NA' (Not applicable/available) or 'TBA' (To be advised), you will not get this error.
In some cases, you may see the error "Out of sequence (Check all)" despite all events being entered. This will happen only when the work order is a part of a shipment with other work orders as well and the 'Apply to T/D' or 'Apply to S/I' checkbox is selected.
When an event is being applied to all work orders in the shipment, the missing event check is also applied for all work orders in the shipment. If any of the work orders are missing events prior to the event in question, the whole operation fails with the above message - which indicates to 'Check all' work orders for missing events.
Although it is possible to insert empty events when using the Bulk Update function and selecting the checkbox 'Ignore Event Sequence', it should, as far as possble, be avoided. Leaving events empty during bulk updates will cause the "Out of sequence" error for other users subsequently.
For any questions or clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support.