Friday, 12 May 2017

Revenue Recognition Date for Shipments

With the latest update of TrakIT, a new field called "Revenue Recognition Date" has been added to the Shipments. This date automatically populated when a specific event is populated in the shipment.

The trigger event is defined in Corridor Definition where one specific event code is set as the trigger event. The event code used should be present in the Work Order Event list of that corridor and should be a "Required Event" with the "No NA Allowed" flag set. Services cannot be linked to this trigger event.

When the event has not been populated, the Revenue Recognition date is set as Pending. If the shipment has the event not set on all work orders in the shipment, the date is set as Partial. Once all the dates are set, the latest date is used as the Revenue Recognition date.

The field is available for export in all Reports under the Header section. It can also be added to any form if required.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Cargo Type for Shipments

With the latest update of TrakIT, a new field called "Cargo Type" has been added to the Shipment Header. This field is a fixed list of the following options:
  • Full Container load (FCL)
  • Less than Container load (LCL)
  • Bulk
  • Break Bulk
  • Air Freight
  • Charter
  • Other
When creating a shipment, the Cargo Type field is displayed as shown below:

The field is initially set as [Unspecified] and you can select one of the cargo types available. When Bulk, Break Bulk, Air Freight and Charter is selected as the Cargo Type, the container number fields gets disabled.

The Cargo Type field is not mandatory by default, but it can be made mandatory for specific corridors by selecting the field in the Corridor Definitions > Mandatory Header Fields section.

The field is available for export in all Reports. It can also be added to any forms if required.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Auto-generate B/Ls

With the latest update of TrakIT, you can now auto-generate Bill of Lading numbers (Transport Documents) with pseudo-random alpha-numeric text. These numbers are unique and non-sequential.

To use this feature, modify the corridor definition and select "Auto Generate T/D" as shown below:

When this option is selected, the T/D number is generated automatically on the Create New Shipments page.

If the number is not suitable (for any reason), click on the "Re-generate" link to generate a new one. Each number is 10 characters long.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Update on the TrakIT Android App

An update for the TrakIT Android app has just been released with two new great features:

Scan a Number

The app now provides you a way to scan a container number or any number for that matter. The option is available in slide-out main menu.

Upon clicking 'Scan Number' on the menu, the app opens the camera (provided permission is given), and you can scan any number. Upon recognizing number(s), box(es) will be displayed over the number(s). Tap on one of the boxes, and the app will enter the number directly into the Search Box and perform a search for the number.

Note: The scanned number cannot be longer than 20 characters. Please note that number recognition may not work in all cases depending on the clarity of the image, lighting conditions, angle of camera and other factors. In such cases, please enter the number manually.

Update Work Order Events & Data

You can now update or edit Work Order Events and Data using the app. Just tap on the desired event or data field to activate the popup.

If you have any questions on how to use TrakIT Mobile app, please contact TrakIT Support.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Scanning QR Codes and SMS Notifications

Scan QR Code

A new version of the TrakIT Android app has been released with the capability to scan QR Codes created in TrakIT. The option is available in slide-out main menu.

Upon clicking the 'Scan QR Code' button, the app opens the camera (provided permission is given), and you can scan the QR code displayed. Upon recognizing the QR Code, the app directly opens the associated work order in the app.

SMS Notifications

TrakIT can now send out SMS notifications to customers when events visible to the customer are updated in work orders. To enable SMS for customers, you need to add 'External' users along with their mobile numbers and link them to the customers. Linking them also gives those users to access TrakIT directly in the browser and view their shipments.

Please note that an SMS gateway must be enabled and accessible for your company for TrakIT to use SMS functionality. If you  have any questions on how to enable SMS notifications, please contact TrakIT Support.