Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A Fresh New Website

We've update the TrakIT web site. Our new site is fully responsive (adapts to mobile devices) and has a fresh site design with minimal clutter and an easy layout.

We hope you like it! Suggestions are welcome :) 

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Custom Reports Improved

Among other changes in the latest update of TrakIT, the Custom Reports page has been re-designed and improved.

'Corridor Selection' has been removed and reports from all corridors display together. A new filter section has been added to enable users to find specific reports based on various fields.

As usual, when the a report is selected, the report details (Fields, Customer & User Subscriptions) display below the report.

For any questions or clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Get Events Relevant to Customers Only

Until now, there was no dedicated way to have only the events relevant to the customer set as the status of the events. Reports that had the "Last Event" field that were going out to customers, would include internal workflow events that were not relevant to the customer.

With the latest update of TrakIT, two new header fields have been introduced for Custom & Advanced Reports: Customer Status and Customer Status Date. These fields work just like the Last Event and Last Event Date fields, except that only those events that are relevant to the customer will appear here.

The work order header now displays the event information as shown below:

You can now add these fields in Custom and Advanced Reports:

Defining Customer Relevant Events

How does TrakIT know which events are relevant to the customer? This can be set in the event definitions in the corridors.

When creating a new event or modifying it, set the field "Customer Access" as required. The field has three options:

NoAccess - The event is not relevant to customers
Visible - The event is relevant to customers and the event can be set as the status of the work order.
Updatable - The event is visible and also updatable by the customer.

Customers who are registered for Status update emails will only get emails when the Customer Status event changes, and not when other events are updated.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Recipient of Which Reports?

With the latest TrakIT release, users can see what reports have them listed as a recipient.

Go to Report > My Reports. Your favorite reports are now displayed under the relevant tab and the list of reports in which you are a recipient is displayed under the 'Report Recipient' tab.

Please note that this list shows only those reports where you have been added as a recipient using your TrakIT profile. If your email was added directly as a report recipient, it won't display here.

To remove yourself as a report recipient, just click the red cross icon. To add your self back, you will need to go to the report subscription and add yourself as a recipient.

For any questions, concerns or suggestions, please contact TrakIT Support.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Report Recipients - A new way forward

Entering report recipients in TrakIT was, so far, a bit cumbersome to say the least. A single field contained all email addresses separated by , or ; that users needed to type in.

With the latest updates, we've designed a new module for entering recipients for a report. This has been implemented for Custom Reports Customer and User Subscriptions as well as Advanced Report recipients.

A new row menu action called 'Recipients' is now present for report subscriptions. (This is only visible to users who have the permission to set recipients)

Selecting this option opens a box where you can specify the recipients of the report just like you would in a regular email. "To", "Cc" and "Bcc" fields are present and you can start typing a name, user id or email address in one of the boxes.

As you type, a list of matching TrakIT users is displayed. The list is made by matching the typed text with the User ID, Name or Email Address of TrakIT users. Selecting the user from the list adds the user as the recipient of the report.

For adding non-users or external email addresses you can simply type the whole email address. Once TrakIT recognizes that the user has typed a full email address and no matching user is found, a button to add the email address will appear. Click the button to add the email address directly as a recipient as shown below.

Directly entered email addresses have a grey background and TrakIT users have a purple background. Recipients can be removed simply by clicking on the small red "x".

Having email addresses stored individually enables TrakIT to not send emails to locked users and it is easier to locate and remove non-existent or invalid email addresses that were previously bouncing back.

Important Note:
IE 8 users may have trouble accessing the recipients module. This is due to bugs in the IE 8 browser.
We strongly recommend you use IE 9 or later or use a modern browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support. Have a great day!