Saturday, 19 January 2013

New Changes

With the latest build of TrakIT, the following changes have been implemented:

Advanced Reports - WO Status Filter

Advanced Reports can now include closed work orders for which the last event occurred less than three months ago. A new filter called Status has been introduced in the Advanced Reports' available filters using which you can choose to include Active, Abandoned, Cancelled or Closed work orders in the report.

In order to avoid including closed work orders for existing advanced reports, the Status filter has been added to all advanced reports to include only Active and Abandoned work orders. If you wish to change this, remove the Status filter and then add it again as per your requirements.

Primary Services and KPI Filters Refresh

The Primary Services and KPI filters can now be refreshed after the corridor filter has been set, so that only the Primary Services or KPIs that are included in the selected corridors are displayed. After selecting the corridors, just click on the icon to refresh the KPIs and Primary Services list.

Container Tracking -  Demurrage Calculation

The Container Tracking module can now calculate the demurrage of containers that have exceeded the allocated free days. The Demurrage rate can be specified in the Corridor Definitions > Corridor Free Days section. It is set as per the Carrier and size of the container.

When an 'Entry' event is populated in a work order, the container is added to the Tracking list and the demurrage is obtained as per the corridor free days settings for the carrier.

The Demurrage Rate and Free days can be modified in the Container Tracking module.

The Demurrage Rate, Total Demurrage, Exit Work Order number as well as the Exit Date columns have been added to the Container Tracking Export function.

'Created On' option added to Event Filter in Ops Page

The Event filter in the operations page can now search for Work Orders created during a selected period.

Both 'From' and 'To' days are inclusive. Additionally, if only 'From' or 'To' is populated, the system will return the results where the dates are after the 'From' date or before the 'To' date respectively.

Another change in the Events filter is that 'NA' events are now not included in date searches.

For any questions of clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year !!

Dear TrakIT Users,

All of us at Bitmetric would like to wish you all good health, comfort and prosperity this holiday season. May your days be filled with abundant love, goodwill and peace.

Wishing you and your families a memorable Christmas day, a fun-filled festive season and a wonderul new year.

Best Wishes and Warmest Regards,
Bitmetric Technologies

Thursday, 6 December 2012

TrakIT Online User Documentation

We've just released the TrakIT Online User Documentation that provides comprehensive guidance and online user help for TrakIT users.

With the latest release of TrakIT, you will find the icon on almost all pages in TrakIT. Clicking the help icon will take you directly to the relevant online documentation for the page.

You can also access the online documentation directly at:

The documentation is in it's first release and we are improving upon it constantly. If you have any feedback or are unable to understand any section of the documentation, please let us know how we can improve.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Reporting An Issue

We've included a new feature for users to report any issues they encounter in TrakIT. At the bottom of any page, you will find a 'Support' link.

Clicking the link will open up a window that allows you to view the list of Admins and SysAdmins in TrakIT or report an issue or problem that you encountered in TrakIT. Select the 'Report an Issue' option.

Fill up the following fields:

Description of Issue: Please provide as much information here as you possibly can. The more information you provide us, the better it is to isolate and fix the issue. Information here should include the steps that you took that caused the problem and any reason you think why it may have happened. In most cases, we need to be able to reproduce the issue to be able to fix it.

Menu or Page location & Approx Time: Tell us where exactly or in which part of TrakIT did the issue happen. This could include the page name, section or popup where the issue occurred. If possible, include the time at which the issue happened. This helps us in checking the system logs to see what was happening around that time and if the issue was caused indirectly by another process or user.

T/D, WO, Corridor or Entity Reference: Tell us which WO, corridor, or entity had this issue. This helps us to isolate if the issue is caused only under certain circumstances or conditions.

Attachment/Screenshot: If you can capture the issue or error message in a screenshot or supply file or report that has the issue, it will be of great help. If you wish to submit multiple files, just zip them into one file and attach the zip file.

Once you click on the Submit button, the information is put into an email and sent to with a copy to you and a blind copy to all SysAdmins.

Once we receive the email, we will respond as soon as possible to help you resolve the issue or it will be fixed in TrakIT (if identified as an issue in TrakIT).

For any questions of clarifications, please contact TrakIT Support.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Upload Documents by Email

With the latest release of TrakIT, it is now possible to upload documents or email content for shipments or work orders by email - without even opening TrakIT. All you need to do is attach the documents, change the subject line and send the email.

Depending on your purpose, there are two ways to upload:

1) Uploading Documents

To upload documents by email, follow these steps:
  1. Open a new email and attach the documents (or forward an existing email with attachments) and set the recipient as your designated TrakIT email address.
  2. Set the subject as TrakIT Upload followed by the Work Order ID or container number. For example, the email subject could be: Trakit  Upload  ABCU1234567
  3. By default, the document uploaded will be shared for the whole shipment. If you wish the upload the document(s) for a single container only, add the keyword NoShare after the container number. For example: Trakit  Upload  12345  Noshare
  4. Send the email.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email indicating the success or failure of the upload. The text content of the email is ignored.

2) Uploading Email Content

If you wish to archive an email conversation regarding a shipment or work order, you can simply forward the last email to TrakIT as below:
  1. Forward an existing email with content that needs to be archived and set the recipient as the designated TrakIT email address.
  2. Set the subject as TrakIT Save followed by the Work Order ID or container number. For example, the email subject could be: Trakit  Save  ABCU1234567
  3. By default, the document will be shared for the whole shipment. If you wish the upload the document(s) for a single container only, add the keyword NoShare after the container number. For example: Trakit  Save  12345  Noshare
  4. Send the email.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email indicating the success or failure of the upload. The content of the email is converted and attached as a plain text document. Any attachments in the email are ignored.

Points to Remember:

When sending document upload emails, please take care of the following:
  • You can only upload documents on work orders where you have the permission to upload.
  • The email address you send from must be your registered email address in TrakIT and your user profile should not be locked.
  • Make sure your email body does not have any logos as these are also treated as valid attachments.
  • Each attachment can be a maximum of 4 MB. There is no limit on the number of attachments in one email.
  • Email content can be a maximum of 8000 characters.
  • Uploaded documents are accessible by all users who have access to the work order. Please do not upload document that are sensitive in nature. Use the normal TrakIT upload function and set the document role as appropriate.
  • The subject line is not case-sensitive. So trakit upload will work just as well as TrakIT Upload.

For any questions or concerns, please contact TrakIT Support.