This article is for users of Maersk TrakIT only
Dear TrakIT Users,
As you may know, TrakIT will be migrated to a new server this coming Sunday (22nd). In preparation for the transition, we would like to request you to test the new TrakIT server and functionality as relevant to you. If you would like to take part in this test, please follow the procedure below and use the test instance of TrakIT as you normally would.
- Go to http://scrbtktdk009097/ (On Maersk Intranet Only). This is a new TEST version of TrakIT with data a few days old. If you get a 'SSO Authentication Failed' message, or any 'Authorization Fail' message, please stop and inform us (see below)
- Please use TrakIT as you normally would. You can cover/test below features. Any changes made on this TrakIT will be overwritten by production data on the 22nd.
- Creating and working with Work Orders
- Generating Reports (Workflow and Advanced)
- Generating Forms / PDF
- Adding files/attachments
- General usage/performance of system
The deadline for this test is Wednesday COB. Please revert with all your findings or success before then.
Region Administrators: Please ensure that there are at least 2 users from each country who can test.
If you encounter any issues, please report these immediately to TrakIT Support, along with screenshots, relevant details and exact steps to reproduce the issue.
Otherwise, please report a "success" confirmation.
Please note that this TEST TrakIT version CANNOT send emails. Email functionality will be tested by the application team.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Best Regards,
TrakIT Support Team