Wednesday 29 February 2012

Build 33 Released

TrakIT - Build 33
Released: 28th February 2012

Build 33 has been released mid-week and includes three new features:

1. KPI Alerts Snooze - Alerts on work order KPIs can now be "snoozed" for one to seven days after which they become active again. To snooze an alert, simply select the number of days to snooze and then click 'Save'. When the set number of days have elapsed, the alert is activated again and emails are sent out to subscribed users again.

2. Bulk Updates for Work Order Events & Data - A large number (up to 100) of events and data in work orders can be updated in one go using a CSV file or CSV formatted data. Only the Work Order ID, the event/data code and the event date or data is required. Option of over-writing existing data is available only for Power Users and above. See System > Bulk Updates.

3. One-click Access to Work Orders - You can now open a particular work order in one click from the Operations page even if the work order doesn't appear on the first page. Simply enter the work order ID, container/manifest number or B/L number and click 'Go'. The first matching work order is opened directly. If more than one work orders match, the latest is opened directly.

For any questions or clarifications, please write to

Saturday 25 February 2012

Build 32 Released

TrakIT - Build 32
Released: 25th February 2012

Build 32 has been released today and includes many changes and fixes. The major changes are listed below:

1. Editing the Work Order header has been completely redesigned. You can now apply each field to the shipment or work order individually. The information has also been grouped for easier access. It is possible to change the Shipment number or Customer as well.

2. The Customer & Responsible Person has fields have changed to a auto-complete texbox when editing the Work Order Header.

3. When changing the corridor or service(s) for a Work Order, you have the option to apply the change to the entire shipment. This is enabled by default.

4. Date selection modes have been added to KPI definitions. When several events are used for a KPI, it is possible to choose between the events using one of three options:First Found, Earliest & Latest.

5. A 'Remarks for Shipment' field has been added to each work order. This field automatically replicates the comments entered into all work orders belonging to the shipment.

6. On the operations page, you can now see any active alerts without opening the work order. Just click on the red alert icon.

7. When creating a new work order, the system will check if the container or manifest number is already in use on a active work order.

For any questions or clarifications, please write to

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Dawn of a new Blog

TrakIT now gets it own official blog!!

All changes to TrakIT, including new features, enhancements will be displayed and explained in detail on this blog!

We hope you will find this blog as interesting as we have enjoyed making it for you.

A short and concise guide to the changes released in each version can always be seen at the TrakIT Change Log page.

Yours Sincerely,
The guys @ Bitmetric.